We want to classify the numbers in:
- Cardinal numbers: one, two, three...
- Ordinal numbers: first, second, third....
For the mathematics class, we need to know the ordinal numbers since first to twentieth. These are:
1st | first |
2nd | second |
3rd | third |
4th | fourth |
5th | fifth |
6th | sixth |
7th | seventh |
8th | eighth |
9th | ninth |
10th | tenth |
11th | eleventh |
12th | twelfth |
13th | thirteenth |
14th | fourteenth |
15th | fifteenth |
16th | sixteenth |
17th | seventeenth |
18th | eighteenth |
19th | nineteenth |
20th | twentieth |
And finally, we show a web page to practice the phonetic:
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